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Iconicity in Language and Literature

2009 Toronto (Victoria College), Canada

Seventh International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature 9-14 June 2009

University of Toronto (Victoria College), Toronto, Canada

The seventh in a series of biennial international and interdisciplinary symposia organized by the Iconicity Research Project since 1997, this meeting once again focused on iconicity understood as form miming meaning, and form miming form in language and in literature, but also featured a special workshop on Cognitive Poetics. Previous symposia have, on the one hand, concentrated on iconicity as a driving force in language on all grammatical levels, on language acquisition, and on language change. On the other hand, they have addressed the various mimetic uses of more concrete and creative iconic images and/or more abstract iconic diagrams at all levels of the literary text, in both narrative and poetic forms, and on all varieties of discourse (literary texts, historical texts, political texts, advertising, language and music, literature and music, etc.). These possibilities remained open for the 2009 symposium. 

The meeting was hosted by Victoria University in the University of Toronto (Canada) and was held on the Victoria College campus which is conveniently located in the centre of the city of Toronto.  

Keynotes: Margaret Freeman (Myrifield), Reuven Tsur (Tel Aviv), David Herman (Ohio), Mark Changizi (New York).

For the abstracts of the published papers see Semblance and Signification (under Publications)