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Iconicity in Language and Literature

2013 Rikkyo University Tokyo

Iconicity: East meets West


Ninth International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 3-5 May 2013


The ninth in a series of biennial international and interdisciplinary symposia organized by the Iconicity Research Project since 1997, this meeting will once again focus on iconicity – understood as form miming meaning and form, and meaning miming form and meaning – in language and in literature. Since this is the first symposium to be held in Asia, it will also feature a workshop on poetry translation and panels on the interaction between Eastern and Western languages. 

Previous symposia have, on the one hand, concentrated on iconicity as a driving force in language on all grammatical levels, on language acquisition, and on language change. On the other hand, they have addressed the various mimetic uses of more concrete and creative iconic images and/or more abstract iconic diagrams and metaphors at all levels of the literary text, in both narrative and poetic forms, and on all varieties of discourse (literary texts, historical texts, political texts, advertising, language and music, word and image, etc.). These possibilities remain open for the 2013 symposium. 

The meeting will be hosted by the Graduate School of Intercultural Communication at Rikkyo University, Tokyo (, Ikebukuro campus, located in the heart of Tokyo, easily accessible by trains and buses from the two International Airports – Narita and Haneda. The symposium language will be English. Presentation time for papers will be 30 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion.


Keynotes: Anne Freadman (Melbourne), Winfried Nöth (São Paulo) and Toshio Ohori (Tokyo)


Session proposals and abstracts together with a brief c.v. should be sent (preferably by email) to the organizers before

1 December 2012


For hotel bookings, registration and other information, please check our conference website:  




Prof Dr Olga Fischer

University of Amsterdam                              

Spuistraat 134

1012 VB Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Tel: +31-20-5253825


Prof Dr Christina Ljungberg

University of Zurich

Plattenstrasse 47

8032 Zurich


Tel: +41-44-6343551



Local organizer:

Prof. Dr. Masako Hiraga
Rikkyo University, Tokyo